The biggest benefactor to the Brecksville-Broadview Heights Middle School PSO’s Annual No-Fuss Fundraiser is our Gifts and Goals program. Through an application process, the PSO offers a funding opportunity to teachers and staff to help support their students with new learning tools and equipment. This year the Gifts and Goals Committee awarded $6,300 to cover the following:
Science Energy Balls to help illustrate the principles of electricity and conductivity
VEX IQ Robot Brains & Remotes to help with real-time feedback in STEM class
Tracing Boxes to help in art class
Individual white boards for use in Algebra and Geometry classes
Music scores for choir
Portable pickleball nets for PE
New BBH themed banners to hang in the cafeteria
New medical totes for transporting student medicines and medical paperwork, as well as and first aid needs on field trips
Creation of the “The Walls of Freedom and Sacrifice” in the bench area of the Brecksville-Broadview Heights Middle School auditorium lobby. It will be found in the cove where the bench currently sits on the other side of the ramp. This would replace the "Shrine of Freedom" which is in an inconvenient location to view and contains many document copies that are difficult to read. This new and improved interactive experience will include significant primary source documents studied by our students at BBHMS. These documents will contain QR codes linked to informational videos created yearly by students and possibly be part of a capstone project in the fourth quarter. The adjoining wall on the left will honor our school community's active service members and will be updated regularly. It will also contain an image of the Vietnam Wall where one can look up service members who have fallen or are missing on the wall. A television that loops pics of the previous year’s Washington, D.C. Trip will be the final piece of the left wall. This will also be updated yearly. The right wall will honor first responders who are parents, siblings, or graduates of our school district. The quote that is there now will be replaced with the words "The Walls of Freedom and Sacrifice". The three traditionally colored lights on the ceiling in the cove will be changed to red, white, and blue. The new location will allow students, as well as visitors to our building the opportunity to interact with our nation’s history and honor members of our community.