Executive Board Position DescriptionsPRESIDENT
1. Shall preside at all meetings of the Middle School PSO. 2. Attend all monthly PSO Council meetings. 3. Attend all PSO Presidents meetings. 4. Represent the Middle School PSO within the school district and community. 5. Work with the Middle School Principal to insure the PSO mission, activities and events align with the needs of the school. 6. Review the Middle School PSO’s Standing Rules and Guidelines to make sure they’re up-to-date (at least annually). 7. Be a member ex officio of all Middle School PSO Committees except for the Nominating and Audit Committees. 8. Coordinate and oversee the work of the Officers and Committees of the Middle School PSO in order to promote and maintain the PSO Mission Statement. 9. Maintain a main database of all Executive Board and Committee Position descriptions. 10. Serve as a signatory on all Middle School PSO checks and contracts. 11. Work with the Middle School PSO Treasurer to prepare the annual budget. 12. Complete all building requests for Middle School PSO meetings and events. 13. Provide information to the BBHCSD PR officer regarding Middle School PSO activities. 14. Attend all Middle School and Middle School PSO events as well as the Staff Welcome Back to School Convocation. 15. Be available to the families, students, staff and community throughout the year for questions about the Middle School PSO and the school. 16. Help to implement requests from the school principal, staff, and PSO Council throughout the school year. 17. Compile the Middle School PSO monthly meeting Agenda and provide it to the Middle School PSO Communications Secretary. 18. Approve Middle School PSO meeting Minutes and provide them to the Middle School PSO Communications Secretary. 19. Coordinate the Gifts & Goals Committee and purchase approved Gifts for the Middle School. 20. Attend the May BOE meeting to present the Middle School PSO’s current year accomplishments and the next year’s goals. 21. Work with Middle School PSO Executive Board to develop goals and review the needs of the organization. 22. Maintain an accurate To-Do list recording all responsibilities (including dates, contacts, supporting materials, etc.) to pass onto the successor of your position. 23. Perform such duties prescribed by the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Middle School PSO and BBHCSD PSO Council. 1st VICE PRESIDENT OF PROGRAMS 1. Act as the aid the Middle School PSO President and perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President to serve. 2. Oversee and coordinate the December Middle School PSO Holiday Brunch. 3. Serve as Nominating Committee Coordinator for the Middle School PSO. 4. Serve as signatory on Middle School PSO checks. 5. Assist with securing guest speakers at select Middle School PSO meetings (as needed basis). 6. Maintain an accurate To-Do list recording all responsibilities (including dates, contacts, supporting materials, etc.) to pass onto the successor of your position. 7. Perform such duties prescribed by the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Middle School PSO and BBHCSD PSO Council. 2nd VICE PRESIDENT OF FUNDRAISING 1. Shall act as an aide to the President. 2. Develop and implement all Fundraising activities of the Middle School PSO in accordance with the Fundraising Guidelines and Standing Rules. 3. Provide the Middle School PSO President and Treasurer with a copy of all Fundraising paperwork. 4. Submit all funds to the Middle School PSO Treasurer using the required financial forms. Be sure to report all donations so that tax letters can be sent to those who donate money/items to the Middle School PSO. 5. Communicate and promote all Fundraising information to the Communications Secretary for the Middle School PSO website. 6. Maintain an accurate To-Do list recording all responsibilities (including dates, contacts, supporting materials, etc.) to pass onto the successor of your position. 7. Perform such duties prescribed by the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Middle School PSO. RECORDING SECRETARY 1. Attend all Middle School PSO General and Executive Board meetings. 2. Take minutes and collect all reports from Middle School PSO meetings including Treasurer’s Reports and supporting documents. Oversee the attendance clipboard that circulates during the meetings. 3. Have the minutes read and approved by the Middle School PSO President before the next general meeting. Make sure the minutes and supporting documents are forwarded to the Communications Secretary to be posted on the Middle School PSO website. 4. Present the Audit Committee report at the first Middle School PSO meeting of the year. 5. Maintain a current copy of the Bylaws, Standing Rules and Guidelines. 6. Keep a tally of all Middle School PSO volunteer hours (from the volunteer sign in sheets in the office). Provide the Middle School PSO President with a running total in October, February, May (in time for the President’s meeting with the School Board in, early May) and on June 30th. 7. Maintain an accurate To-Do list recording all responsibilities (including dates, contacts, supporting materials, etc.) to pass onto the successor of your position. 8. Perform such duties prescribed by the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Middle School PSO and BBHCSD PSO Council. COMMUNICATIONS SECRETARY 1. Maintain and update the Unit’s website. Prepares and sends out, via constant contact,the weekly PSO newsletter. 2. Post items to the website in a timely manner. 3. Contact all Committee and Board members (at least once a year) to remind them to review their items on the website and provide new content as needed. 4. Provide the Middle School PSO President with the user name and password for the www.middleschoolpso.com website management site. 5. Maintain an accurate To-Do list recording all responsibilities (including dates, contacts, supporting materials, etc.) to pass onto the successor of your position. 6. Perform such duties prescribed by the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Middle School PSO and BBHCSD PSO Council. TREASURER 1. Act as the principal accounting and financial officer of the Middle School PSO. 2. Be responsible for the maintenance of accurate financial accounting and reconciling for the Middle School PSO using QuickBooks software. 3. Maintain all paper and electronic bank statements, check requests and other financial records for no less than the last 7 years. 4. Prepare and report on current balance, deposits and withdrawals (Treasurer’s Report) at each Middle School PSO General Meeting. 5. Take custody of, process and deposit all funds from events. 6. Write all checks and obtain signature on all checks by the Middle School PSO President or 1st Vice President. 7. Prepare the annual budget with the Middle School PSO President. 8. Present the annual budget at the 1st Middle School PSO General Meeting of the school year. 9. Prepared an annual audit of the Middle School PSO financial records and coordinate volunteers to serve as the Audit Committee (per Audit Committee Guidelines and all Standing Rules & Bylaws). Provide all necessary information and paperwork for the Audit Committee and be available by phone during the annual audit. 10. Provide the PSO Council, the Middle School PSO President and Middle School PSO Recording Secretary with a copy of the completed Audit prior to the start of the school year. 11. Be responsible for the preparation and submission to the PSO Council Treasurer of and all tax information as needed to file tax forms on behalf of the Organization as required by law. 12. Provide tax donation letters to persons or business that donate to the Middle School PSO. 13. Handle all reimbursements and requests for funds. 14. Prepare and report on current balance, deposits and withdrawals (Treasurer’s Report) at each Middle School PSO General Meeting. 15. Provide support and information to all Middle School PSO Executive Board and Committee Chairpersons as needed. 16. Review and update all PSO Cash Handling Forms and procedures annually or as directed by the Middle School PSO President. Send all updated forms to the Communications Secretary to be posted on Middle School PSO website. 17. Maintain an accurate To-Do list recording all responsibilities (including dates, contacts, supporting materials, etc.) to pass onto the successor of your position. 18. Perform such duties prescribed by the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Middle School PSO and BBHCSD PSO Council. COUNCIL DELEGATE 1. Attend the monthly PSO Council meetings (9:30am on the 1st Thursday of the month September-May at the BOE Bldg.) and report information back to the Middle School PSO monthly meeting. 2. Assist with the District’s Welcome Back to School Convocation Breakfast. (August) 3. Be part of the PSO Council Nominating Committee (sometime in February/March). 4. Maintain an accurate To-Do list recording all responsibilities (including dates, contacts, supporting materials, etc.) to pass onto the successor of your position. 5. Perform such duties prescribed by the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Middle School PSO and BBHCSD PSO Council. |